BarCampGR is 15 and You're Invited!

Dave Brondsema dave at
Fri Aug 7 17:33:53 PDT 2020

BarCamp GR is 15 years old! Over the last few years, we’ve had an amazing
weekend of networking, presentations, and interesting topics being covered. From
3D Printing to Making your own Beer to Kubernetes, we’ve covered a lot of ground.

Since we’re 15 now, we’d love to celebrate with even more talks and partying.
🎉  To bad Covid-19 has got us down in the dumps. Shame on them blowing out our
candles too early. 

Just because we can’t meet in person doesn’t mean we can’t meet online!

Register now at

We sure do hope that you’ll be there to join our special 15th anniversary on
August 21st and the 22nd, 2020. Since it’s online, EVERYONE can join us,
regardless of location. That’s even better.

Because we’re aging, the BarCamp GR website got a facelift. 😘 Shout out to the
volunteers who helped. You’re all awesome.

August 21st & 22nd, 2020



    How's it going to work?


        We will be using "Webex Teams" from Cisco to have chat and video
        presentations’ve also got a desktop app to


        Register for BarCampGR at


        Once you get a team invite, you'll be in the BarcampGR team and can view
        all the channels we’ve got.


    What about barcampgr Slack?


        That's still there! Feel free to use it, but get on Webex Teams as soon
        as you're invited. That's where all the action will be during BarcampGR
        this year.


    What can I present?


        Anything your heart desires of course! We’ve got plenty of channels that
        are specific oriented or a few general channels if your presentation
        doesn’t fit within the others.


        By presenting from the comfort of your home using a webcam or
        screen-share, you can get creative and have an opportunity to have a
        talk about a topic you may not be able to in person.


        Be sure to utilize mobile devices by using the phone app to present from
        your workshop, craft table, or wherever your presentation calls for it.


    Can I practice?


        Yes!  We'll have a "tech test" day on Saturday Aug 15th for people who
        want to practice using Webex Teams and presenting.  Join at 10am, 2pm or
        8pm to test it out.


    How do I sign up to speak?


        We'll have a chat bot in Webex Teams that will manage the virtual
        schedule grid.  You can use it to sign up for a talk slot during the event.


    What will the presentation topics be?


        People sign up to present duringthe event.  We've created these "spaces"
        within Webex Teams to organize the presentations a bit: Programming,
        Creative Corner, 2020, Wellness.  And a few general purpose rooms for
        any topic: Room 120, Room 140, Room 170


Contact us

Code of Conduct

Don’t forget to keep track of us on social media: Facebook
<>, Twitter
<>and Instagram <>
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